Sales Enablement

Give your sales team access to all the competitive information they'll need. All they'll have to do is ask /dovo competitor to get the latest insights delivered instantly in Slack.

Keep up on all competitive news and announcements with our news tracker & alerts. Depending on how you want to share information with the sales team, you can manually share important updates, or schedule Dovo alerts to Slack channels. However you want to keep your team up-to-date on important industry news, Dovo has you covered.

Product Marketing

All too often Battlecards live in a DAM, Intranet, Playbook, or some other location. The problem with this is that their is a barrier to entry, which results in under utilized competitive assets. With Dovo, we surface all competitive content through Slack. As an example, let's say Acme is a competitor, all a sales rep would have to do is go into slack and type /dovo Acme and the competitive content would be instantly delivered.

Executive Team

Never miss another competitive announcement again. Use Dovo's incredibly intelligent news feed, which looks at high quality news sources for competiitve updates. From there, we'll schedule updates to be sent to your Slack, so you could enjoy your morning coffee and keep up on the competition at the same time.


Competitive Intelligence

As a CI professional, you have probably created battle cards (if not, don't worry, we got templates for that). You probably also deal with the same questions multiple times per week, which is "How do we compare to {competitor}." Answering these questions is repetitive, and takes away from more strategic initiatives. With Dovo, you create custom responses for your competitors, which are delivered instantly throug Slack whenever someone from your organization asks /dovo competitor. The best part, you can track how often those battle cards are being used by linking to them in the Dovo response.

How do you keep up on competitor news? As a CI Professional, you probably use some way too expensive - or way too cheap - tool for monitoring industry and competitive news. The cheap tools...well...kinda suck (as you know), and the expensive ones require a lot of manual effort. With Dovo, we surface high quality news into a news feed. From there, you decide what to share, and how to share it - automatically, manually, your call!

How do you keep up on competitor alerts? As a CI Professional, you need to monitor changes on competitor websites. Similar to news tracking, you're probably using some free tool, or a way too expensive one to do this. With Dovo, you choose what competitor web pages to track, and whenever a change occurs, we send you the old and new version to analyze. Simple.

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